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All coding by WerfiMatics is done on Python. This is mainly because Python is a open source programming environment and a rather intuitive programming language for all users. WerfiMatics is writing programmes for different purposes in various fields. At the moment the programmes written by WerfiMatics can be used for administartive purposes and tasks. However, it is intended to start developing scientific programming activities soon.
On this page, a quick overview of the programmes developed by WerfiMatics is given, with respective links to more detailed descriptions of the presented programmes. Additionally, the future projects and project ideas are presented. Here as well links lead to more detailed project descriptions and related references.

Completed projects / Perpetual Beta

Project number Project name Short description Detailed description
WM_ad202012001 Work Counter Work counter short Work counter detail
WM_ad201906002 Gardener Gardener short Gardener detail
WM_ad202008003plgfkt Get exchange course (Plug-in function for project WM_ad202008003) Get exchange course short Get exchange coures detail
WM_sc202107001 Mission Mapper Mission Mapper short Mission Mapper detail
WM_sc202001002 Flight Planner Flight Planner short Flight Planner detail

Completed projects / Perpetual Beta

Work counter

The work counter is a programme developed to keep track on the work houres one single employee is doing and how much money the employee has approximately earned in the entire time of observation. This programme takes start and end times (time stamps in hh:mm) and the date at which the work was done (dates in dd.mm.yyyy) as input. Furthermore the csv file where the work houres will be reported is selected. The Work Counter returns two things. (1) visual information on the (Graphical User Interface) GUI and (2) an update on the report file which can be handed in at the end of the work period.
On the GUI the amount of money earned on each entered work period can be shown, as well as the total amount earned in the period reported in the csv file selected. Since the pro rata pay can be set manually, as well the gross as the net pay. Finally, the work period to be added needs to be added to the existing list manually and the new list needs to be written into the exisiting and open csv file too. This is to avoid the writing and storing of unintended work times and give a bit more flexibility and room for financial plays.
This programme is still under development (Perpetual Beta), especially what the visualisation is concerned. The next steps for this programme will be to implement functions to illustrate the document currently opened in a more representative and more understandable maner.


The Gardener programme was developed to assist the planning phase of a garden and to facilitate the monitoring of the productivity in the cultivated garden. The GUI shows a map of the garden with the fields or pots (henceforth called entity) to be cultivated. By clicking on any entity, a separate window opens where the sowing and harvesting events of the respective entity can be entered and are stored in the background. On this window it is as well possible to chenck what was sowed in the current entity. In the top right corner a button is set up with whome the most basic statistics can be computed to illustrate and analyze the productivity of the respective pot or the entire garden.
This programme however, has still some parts which need to be mended (Perpetual Beta). The resulting statisitcs are not plotted yet but returned correctly in the console. Additional plug-in functions for this programme are planned, which facilitate the manipulation of the plants that where sowed or harvested. This manipulation concernes as well the number of plants harvested as the type of plants (sowed and harvested).
The most complex plug-in planned for this programme is a function which is able to generate a map of the garden in an automatic way. The concept of this plug in is yet to be developed, implemented and tested. The first idea is to develop an algorithm which derives the map of the garden where the use has to enter some measures and a hand drawn sketch of the garden layout. To implement such an algorithm, several tests and prestudies need to be carried out before the final version is implemented and attached to the existing code.

Get echange course

Mission Mapper

Flight Planner